Ellen is taking the act of giving to a whole other level! As part of her 60th birthday celebration, Ellen gave away $1 MILLION DOLLARS!



“All season long, I partnered with Cheerios to encourage people to do one million acts of good and if you’re here in my audience, you helped us reach that goal,” Ellen said to the audience.

The audience then were told if they had a Cheerios box under their chair they would be getting their share of $1 million as way of saying thanks for doing good. Of course, everyone had a box under their seat.




Some of the deeds done were a couple who drove 800 miles to deliver supplies to Hurricane Harvey victims, a teacher who donated a kidney to the mother of one of her students, a man who quit his job to start a sanctuary for animals and more!


The pictures of the audience will make you smile.





Watch the video reveal here:


-Kevin and Sonia 

