This gave us the best laugh this morning. In a world where “covfefe” becomes a trending word, perhaps this creative alternate spelling of “school” might catch on too. Yes, this is real life, and it was painted by a contractor right in front of Columbia Park Elementary in Revelstoke.


Apparently the stencils come in sets of two (SC, HO, and OL), and since the middle stencil features two letters that read the same upside-down, the painters had them inverted without realizing they were backwards before it was too late.


The upside? Maybe the mis-spelled sign might actually cause people to slow down to see if they read that right.


#school#wtf#spelling#revelstoke …. you had 1 job.

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Stay in scohol, kids.




-Kevin and Sonia



Filed under: Hilarious, Kevin and Sonia, Revelstoke, School