Carter’s plea for a year’s supply of nuggets from Wendy’s is now the most retweeted tweet ever and also helped raise over $100,000 for charity.


It all started with a tweet and a dream.

Carter Wilkerson contacted Wendy’s with a simple plea. How many retweets would he need to get to earn a year’s supply of nuggets.

The fast food chained responded, probably slightly sarcastically, that Carter would need to get 18 Million.

And a campaign was launched.


While Carter’s original tweet hasn’t reached the 18 million goal, it garnered so much attention from other corporations and even celebrities like Ellen DeGeneres, that Wendy’s decided to make good on their promise early.

Carter’s tweet surpassed Ellen’s previous record with her famous Oscar Selfie and now has 3,430,255 retweets, barely squeaking past Ellen’s record of 3,430,242 retweets.


In addition to Carter getting 365 days worth of nuggs, over $100,000 was raised for The Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption. An organization dedicated to finding homes for children in foster care.

This just goes to show that dreams really can come true.


Filed under: chicken-nuggets, nuggets