There’s some sick people in this world. “Unfathomable” is the word being used to describe a couple recent local cases of dogs who ate bait pizza at an off-leash dog park, booby-trapped with sewing needles hidden inside food. The BC SPCA is currently investigating at least 2 reported cases, including that of Silas, a chocolate lab who ate the bait at the off-leash dog part of Strathcona Park.


DJ Larkin, Silas’ owner, recalled the terrifying incident that occurred earlier this month to Metro News:


I knew right away something wasn’t rightI actually pulled the whole mess out of (his mouth) and made him throw up. What was in his mouth looked like a turkey neck sewn together, about three feet of thread stuck. It was very intentionally sewn together (and) you could see where they’d put sewing stitches into it. I can’t see any possible way it’s an accident. There is no reason to do this, other than to injure or kill an animal in a way that’s truly cruel. It’s putting children, dogs and wildlife at risk.”

She said she no longer feels comfortable bringing her dog to Strathcona Park.


Unfortunately this wasn’t an isolated act of cruelty. This past Friday, a Facebook post from local dog care business (Ball and Biscuit Pet Boutique) recounted the exact same scenario on April 18th.

If you’re a pet owner, you’re encouraged to stay vigilant and report any suspicious activity to the Vancouver Police Department and BC SPCA.



-Kevin and Sonia


Filed under: animal cruelty, Dog, Kevin and Sonia, safety, strathcona, Vancouver