Ed Sheeran revealed that one of his new tattoos doesn’t look quite right.

While tattoos are a great way to get something you really love inked on your body, you might want to check that the design looks the way you want it too, especially if it’s a word or phrase.

During Sheeran’s show in Scotland recently, he mentioned to the crowd he wanted Irish actress, Saoirse Ronan to handwrite the words “Galway Girl” for him, which is one of his songs, and he’d use that as the tattoo design.

Unfortunately, he didn’t spell check the phrase before getting inked and he explains in the video below that it actually says “Galway Grill” instead. Ha!

Saoirse Ronan is going to be in the music video Ed’s song ‘Galway Girl’, which recently wrapped up filming in Galway.


h/t Mashable




Filed under: celebrity-news, Ed Sheeran, ed-sheeran-tattoo, funny-tattoo-stories, galway-girl, galway-grill, saoirse-ronan, tattoo-fails, tattoo-mistakes, tattoos