Watch out, world…here comes Julia! For the first time in a decade, a new Muppet is coming to Sesame Street and she’s arriving with a lot of fanfare. A couple years ago, Sesame Street introduced a character named Julia, a character on the autism spectrum, in efforts to encourage inclusiveness, understanding, and relatability among its young viewers- especially those with autism. While Julia has been limited to being only a digital character, Sesame Street has just announced she’s about to become a full regular cast member on the TV show!


The show worked with autism organizations to help properly develop the Julia character, in addition to a panel of child psychologists. Writer Christine Ferraro says the hope is to help normalize interactions between children, “so that when [children] encounter [children with autism] in their real life, it’s familiar. And they see that they can be their friends too.”




-Kevin and Sonia
KiSS Mornings

Filed under: Autism, children's tv shows, Kevin and Sonia, sesame Street