Get ready for a rollercoaster ride of film, when you meet multiple personality Kevin (James McAvoy), 23 + split personalities to be exact. McAvoy deserves some creative kudos for being able to portray not one but 24 believable characters in M. Night Shymalan’s latest nail biting suspense / thriller Split.

When 3 young high school age women are abducted and taken as prisoners by split personality ‘Kevin’ we actually begin to like each and every one of him….except for one. Kevin’s relationship with his therapist plays a large role in the story, as they seem to share a special patient – Doctor bond. Dr Fletcher (Betty Buckley) truly does seem to clinically understand how to deal with all of his personalities and the scope of what she is dealing with. However, later in the movie as truths get told and back stories unfold we start to see the dark side of what makes some very sick and twisted people tick. Unfortunately for some, Kevin’s darkest personality is not so Mr. nice guy. In fact, you could almost describe personality number 24 as The Hulk meets Hannibal Lecter. A psycho superhero who prefers human flesh over a nice steak dinner. One of the captures (Anya Taylor-Joy) is one of the best parts of the movie, she knows how to handle psycho men from her past and to shoot a loaded gun. Bonus! You’ll love the ‘surprise’ cameo….but I’m not sure about the sequel. You’ll either love Split or hate it, either way it will probably become the next cult classic.

Filed under: M. Night Shyamalan, Move Split, Movie Review, Split