Admit it, the basic in you is guilty of posting a picture of your #boardingpass on your Instagram or Facebook before taking off to your destination…because if you don’t, are really even going on a vacation?


Goodbye Windsor, hello Florida ?????? #fromwindsortoflorida #longdistance #passport #boardingpass

A photo posted by Linda (@lindag32) on


The Verge explains why you should be careful before posting that super cute selfie with your boarding pass and it’s fairly simple explanation. That barcode contains all of your personal information and anyone with it can access all your data.




Researcher Karsten Nohl explains that the file number is associated with your personal file within the airline system, which can lead to your credit card information, previous places you have travelled to, your address etc.



Next time, just hold up your passport for the adorable photo of your travels.

Filed under: basic, boarding-pass, facebook, intagram, Selfie, travel