I have to admit, I first saw a clip of this come up on my Instagram feed and thought it was so well done that I had to go find the full version and I am really glad that I did!

The team at Friend Dog Studios took the major pop culture happenings of 2016 and put them into one epic movie trailer.

In the video above you’ll hear references to the disastrous Samsung Galaxy Note 7, “I’m trying to call for help and my phone exploded. MY phone literally exploded in my hand!” References to ‘Harambe’, the gorilla that was killed by officials at the Cincinnati Zoo, “Guys…they shot a gorilla” and references to the mannequin challenge and of course President-Elect Donald Trump.

The trailer also references the many celebrity deaths this year, including Prince, David Bowie and more recently Carrie Fisher.

Check out the 2016 movie trailer above and let us know what you think!

Filed under: 2016, david-bowie, Donald Trump, harambe, mannequin challenge, Prince