Did you do the latest Snap Chat update? The newest most awesome feature is “World Lenses” (lenses=filter)  it’s the rear-facing camera version of the Snap Chat’s famous selfie filters and if you did the update and missed this doggy ears, make your tongue stick out awesome update, that’s okay it’s kind of hidden!

Now unlike all the others Snap Chat filters thatt add flower crowns to our heads, gummy worms out of our noses and makes us sound like bumble bees, the World Lenses apply a filter to the world around you! Say What?! Yup, the new lens comes with seven options to turn your reality into a whole new world!


The other cool changes?

You can now send a snap from a friend’s story to another friend.

You can go back a snap by tapping left, cause you know we patiently scroll through snap stories and never miss one, right?! ” *eye roll*

You can now rewind stories just as you can on Instagram.


BTW don’t forget to give us a follow on Snap Chat!


Filed under: snapchat