Would you be willing to move across the country for a new job?

What if it was for minimum wage?

What if your new employer promised to sweeten the deal?

How sweet, you ask…

Courtesy: Farmers Daughter Facebook Page
Courtesy: Farmers Daughter Facebook Page


The Farmer’s Daughter Country Market, located in Cape Breton, Nova Scotia is finding it hard to maintain employees, and so decided to get creative with their job offering. The company took to Facebook to say, “Are you someone who is looking to live a simpler life, close to nature, in an area that still believes in community meals and weekly jam sessions? We can’t give you big money, but we can give you an awesome life.” 


Courtesy: Farmers Daughter Facebook Page
Courtesy: Farmers Daughter Facebook Page


The market is offering a minimum wage position, BUT, this is where things get good!

The post goes on to state, “If you decide this opportunity might fit your dreams… then we are willing to offer you 2 acres of woodland where you can immediately set up your tiny house or quaint cabin… If you are still working with us after five years time… then the land is yours.”


Would you do it?

Here’s some other enticing pics:





Louisbourg Lighthouse // #louisbourglighthouse #novascotia #capebreton #redchairchallenge #sharethechair #timetoconnect

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Filed under: Cape Breton, East Coast, Job, Job opportunity, New job, Nova Scotia