Candice and Tim are #CoupleGoals.

Their engagement story is making the rounds because well, it’s just so freakin’ cute.

The two of them started dating three years ago and Tim said he knew they were going to get married just one week after they started dating. ***Awwww***

That’s when he started planning the proposal and it’s so adorable.

Here’s how he did it. He wrote her 14 love letters over the three years they were dating with each one beginning with an intricately drawn capitalized letter.

As if the love letter wasn’t romantic enough, three years later while they were on vacation he sat her down with all 14 letters. They read them together and relived all the great memories they had all those years. Then he placed each letter together and that’s when Candice realized all the capital letters would be arranged to spell, “Will You Marry Me?”



Too. Darn. Cute. They’re so adorable!


Read more here.


Kevin and Sonia