“Spectacles” will let you automatically upload first person POV videos to your SnapChat Memories.

After recently dropping the “Chat” part from their name, Snap Inc. is re-branding themselves as “a camera company” and launching their first piece of wearable tech: Spectacles.

The sunglasses come in three colours, black, teal and coral and have a fun, beachy vibe.

specs colours


According to Snap, this first person point of view will allow for a more visceral way for you and your friends to experience your memories than what you get from just holding your phone/camera. The 10-second videos from the Spectacles will also be circular to achieve a more “human perspective.

Evan Spiegel, the CEO of Snap, described how the glasses transformed his latest vacation videos in a recent Wall Street Journal article: “‘[W]hen I got the footage back and watched it, I could see my own memory, through my own eyes—it was unbelievable. It’s one thing to see images of an experience you had, but it’s another thing to have an experience of the experience.’”

The Spectacles will be able to record a full day’s worth of memories on a single charge, and will wirelessly deliver them via Bluetooth or Wi-Fi directly to your Snapchat account.

Specs capture


The Spectacles website doesn’t show an exact release date for the wearable tech, yet, but are expected to come out sometime this fall. Just in time to add them to your Christmas list!

H/T Nerdist News

Filed under: snap, snapchat, spectacles, technology